Boost Productivity with These Essential Git Commands
git init — Establishes a new Git repository within the current directory, enabling you to commence tracking changes and implementing version control for your project.
git clone — This process involves creating a duplicate of an existing Git repository from a remote source, such as GitHub, onto your local machine. This duplication encompasses all files, branches, and the complete commit history.
git config — This is utilized to establish or modify Git configuration options, including user details (such as name and email), editor preferences, or other Git settings, either on a global scale or specifically for an individual repository.
git help — Displays the documentation or assistance information for Git commands, offering comprehensive details regarding the usage of specific commands, their associated options, and syntax.
git add — Stages changes in your working directory (such as modified or new files) to be included in the next commit.
git status — Shows the current state of your working directory and staging area, including changes that are staged, unstaged, or untracked.
git commit — Records the staged changes in the repository’s history, creating a snapshot with a message that describes the changes made.
git reset — Undoes changes by moving the current branch to a previous commit, optionally updating the staging area or working directory depending on the reset type (soft, mixed, or hard).
git rm — Removes a file from both the working directory and the staging area, marking it for deletion in the next commit.
git mv — Used to move or rename a file in the repository, automatically staging the change for the next commit.
git branch — Lists, creates, or deletes branches in your Git repository. It also shows the current branch you’re on when used without any options.
git checkout — Used to switch between branches or restore files in your working directory to a specific state from a previous commit or branch.
git merge — Combines the changes from one branch into another, integrating their histories and updates into a single branch.
git rebase — Applies changes from one branch onto another by replaying commits, effectively moving or integrating the changes in a linear fashion instead of merging them.
git tag — Used to create, list, or delete tags, which are markers in Git that reference specific points in the repository’s history, often used for releases.
git stash — Temporarily saves changes in your working directory (both staged and unstaged) and reverts the working directory to the state of the last commit, enabling you to switch tasks and apply the saved changes later.
git fetch — Retrieves updates from a remote repository, such as new branches or commits, but does not automatically merge them into your current branch.
git pull — Fetches changes from a remote repository and automatically merges them into your current branch, updating your local repository with the latest changes.
git push — Uploads your local commits to a remote repository, updating the remote branch with your changes.
git remote — Manages and interacts with remote repositories, allowing you to view, add, or remove remote connections (e.g., GitHub or GitLab).
git log — Displays the commit history of the current branch, showing details such as commit hashes, authors, dates, and commit messages.
git diff — Shows the differences between the working directory and the staging area, or between two commits, highlighting changes in files that have been modified.
git show — Displays detailed information about a specific commit, including the commit message, author, date, and the changes made to the files in that commit.
git blame — Line-by-line annotations of a file, displaying the commit hash, author, and timestamp for each line of code, to help identify who made specific changes.